The sordid story of a slaughter perpetrated on a soccer field in Martissant in 2006. Police and armed civilians interrupted a championship and...
A wonderful song of hope for Haiti by Rony Jolicoeur. This country has suffered so much, so endured that we would like to dream. A better tomorrow...
In this 4th part, there is the press conference to officially launch Gede Fest, a master class by Preservation Hall Jazz Band and a conference by...
2004 was a very special year. It was the 200th year of Haitian Independence. It was also a year of violent political turmoil. Libète is Tru...
In part 3, we attend a conference by Haitian NOLA about the strong cultural and historical link between New Orleans and Haiti. Then we go to a dance...
Zeklè was a Haitian band famous in the late 80s, early 90s. It was representative of the New Generation movement that wanted to revolutionize the...
This second part about Gede Fest begins with an art exhibition featuring photographers and painters. It then goes on with a dance choreography on...
Strings was once a very famous Haitian guitars band. They used to play mostly instrumental music with a strong flamenco flavor. This music video was...